Teeth whitening (bleaching) is the removal of yellowing and discoloration of the teeth due to different pathological and physical factors by using various chemical substances and restoring the natural colour of the teeth.
The discoloration of the teeth can be eliminated with teeth whitening (bleaching) application and whiter teeth can be achieved. With whitened teeth, you can have more aesthetic and natural smiles. In this article, we will try to answer any questions you have in mind by giving you detailed information about the teeth whitening (bleaching) process.
What Is Teeth Whitening (bleaching)?
For many people, especially the discoloration of their front teeth causes serious aesthetic image concerns. For this purpose, teeth whitening (bleaching), which is one of the aesthetic dentistry applications, is one of the easiest and simplest methods to restore the deteriorated dental aesthetics.
In this context, the process of removing the elements that penetrate the enamel and dentin layers of natural teeth due to various factors, causing yellowing and discoloration, by various methods and restoring the natural teeth to their old colour tones is called tooth whitening.
What Are The Causes of Tooth Discoloration?
There can be many different causes of tooth discoloration. Among these reasons, one of the most common and basic ones is the lack of adequate and regular personal oral and dental care. For this reason, over time, the bacterial plaque that forms on the surface of natural teeth turns into tartar and causes the natural teeth to lose their colour.
Tooth discoloration and yellowing occur in two different ways. These are classified in two different ways according to the part of the tooth where the discoloration occurs. These are external tissue discoloration and internal tissue discoloration.
External tissue staining is a type of discoloration that usually stays in the enamel layer of the tooth and does not penetrate further into the interior. The coloration in these areas is caused by the food and drinks we consume in daily life.
Teeth whitening (bleaching) applied to this type of staining gives very positive results. Internal tissue staining, on the other hand, occurs in the dentin layer and the pulp of the tooth under the enamel layer. Factors such as febrile diseases during the development and growth period of the tooth, intensive use of tetracycline-like antibiotics, trauma to the tooth, some antibiotics used during pregnancy, and excessive fluoride use can be shown as the causes of coloration in this layer.
In staining caused by internal tissue discoloration, more advanced professional treatment methods may be necessary.
The desired level of success may not be achieved from the tooth whitening process. In this type of discoloration, the success rate of teeth whitening (bleaching) is low.
Who Can and Who Cannot Have Teeth Whitening?
Before the teeth whitening (bleaching) procedure, people who are considering this treatment must meet two criteria. The first of these is that there are no decayed teeth and fillings in the mouth, and the other is that the gums are in a healthy structure. Because the teeth whitening process can cause slight irritation in the gums. If the patient also has gingivitis in his/her gums, the overlapping of these two conditions can lead to further irritation of the gums and increased bleeding of the gums.
Anyone who has completed the development and growth of tooth tissue is over the age of 18 and has no allergies to teeth whitening chemicals can have teeth whitening.
The best candidates for professional teeth whitening (bleaching) applications are people with healthy teeth and gums who have not undergone filling and restoration procedures on their natural teeth. Patients with yellow-toned discoloration in their teeth have a much higher success rate after teeth whitening.
Teeth whitening (bleaching) procedures may not give suitable and successful results for everyone, even if they meet the above conditions. For this reason, teeth whitening may not be suitable for people who are in the following situation and have certain conditions. These are;
- Patients who have had dental restorations such as fillings, implants, crowns, and dental bridges,
- Pregnant and lactating women,
- Those with gum disease, caries, and exposed tooth roots,
- People with allergic reactions to peroxide-like teeth-whitening agents,
- People with sensitive teeth,
- Those who want to achieve realistic and highly unattainable results
Teeth whitening is a procedure that works on natural teeth. Therefore, if there are restorations in the mouth, such as implants, crowns, bridges, etc., there will be no discoloration on them. These elements react neutrally to the teeth-whitening chemicals used. In this case, complete colour harmony may not be achieved between your whitened natural teeth and your restored artificial teeth. Therefore, teeth whitening is not recommended for people in this situation.
Teeth whitening (bleaching) is not recommended for very young patients. Because starting to whiten the teeth at a very young age causes the teeth to form a more fragile structure over time.
What Are Teeth Whitening Techniques and How Are They Performed?
The most common teeth whitening (bleaching) procedures are generally divided into two parts according to the type of procedure to be performed. These are office bleaching and home bleaching methods. Although the basic principle is the same in these methods, the procedures applied are different.
a) Office bleaching: This is an application performed by the dentist in the dental clinic, which is effective and results can be obtained in a short time.
b) Home-type teeth whitening: This type of teeth whitening is a procedure that the patient can perform on his/her own at home or work, outside the dental clinic.
What To Pay Attention To After Teeth Whitening?
After the teeth whitening process, the procedures and points to be considered are very important for the treatment to be permanent and long-lasting. In this context, the following points should be considered. These are;
- For a few days after teeth whitening (bleaching), a temporary sensitivity may occur in the teeth. Therefore, excessively hot and cold foods should be avoided during this period.
- The first 1-2 weeks after teeth whitening (bleaching) are very important. Because during this period, the tendency of re-colouring and staining is quite high in teeth that have undergone teeth whitening (bleaching). Therefore, during this period, products such as tea, coffee, cigarettes, red wine, tomato paste, and cherry juice should be avoided.
- The most important factor in the permanent and long-lasting teeth whitening process is the daily and regular oral and dental care of the person. In this context, teeth should be brushed at least twice a day, and dental floss and mouthwash should be used to ensure oral cleanliness and hygiene.
- Routine dentist examinations and controls, which are performed at least twice a year, should not be neglected.
How Long Does Teeth Whitening Take?
The determining factor in the duration of the teeth whitening process is the degree of discoloration in the patient's teeth and the type of bleaching method to be applied. It may take a little longer for the teeth of patients with intense discoloration and staining to reach the desired whiteness.
Teeth whitening times may also vary depending on the bleaching technique used. For example; In office-type teeth whitening, depending on the concentration of the bleaching agent used, the bleaching process can be completed in about 1 hour. In the home-type teeth whitening (bleaching) method, it can take 2 to 5 weeks, depending on the desired degree of whiteness, depending on the desired degree of whiteness, with the gel placed in the apparatus prepared according to the patient's jaw size, by attaching it to the teeth for 7-8 hours daily.
Is The Effect of Teeth Whitening Permanent?
Whether the white teeth obtained at the end of the teeth whitening (bleaching) process will be permanent is one of the curious issues. Although the permanence of white teeth obtained after teeth whitening (bleaching) varies from person to person, it can be permanent for periods ranging from 6 months to 3-4 years.
In people who overuse products such as tea, cigarettes, and coffee that cause discoloration on the teeth, the permanence period of the procedure is shorter. In general, 40-50% loss of whiteness may occur in the teeth of such patients. However, for people who avoid the factors that may cause discoloration in the teeth and who perform adequate and regular oral and dental care, the loss of colour in their teeth is at the level of 10-15%. This information shows that it is in the hands of the patient how long the teeth whitening process can be permanent.
Are There Side Effects of Teeth Whitening?
As a result of the bleaching procedure, some hot and cold sensitivity may occur in the teeth, depending on the bleaching technique used. The patient may experience difficulties in feeding and breathing. In the later stages of teeth whitening (bleaching), these complaints disappear.
If tooth whitening gels come into contact with the gums, damage, and injury to the gums may occur. Teeth whitening applications performed under the control of a dentist do not cause any harm to the teeth.
Is Teeth Whitening Painful?
Teeth whitening does not cause any pain and suffering if it is performed by the procedures by a dentist who is specialized and has sufficient experience. However, pain and soreness are inevitable in uncontrolled bleaching procedures performed without the advice of a dentist. In such cases, irritation and bleeding are likely to occur, especially in the gums after the bleaching procedure. Using a tooth whitener not recommended by your dentist can even cause damage to your natural teeth.
For this reason, you can visit our clinic to whiten your teeth without any worries.
How Much Does Teeth Whitening Cost?
One of the most curious questions of those considering teeth whitening (bleaching) is how much teeth whitening prices are. However, teeth whitening prices can be different from person to person due to various factors. Therefore, it would not be a correct approach to give an average figure for the price of teeth whitening.
Teeth whitening prices may vary according to the type of treatment method. In addition, there may be changes in teeth whitening prices according to the degree of discoloration in the patient's teeth. Teeth whitening price may vary according to various factors. These are;
- Experience and expertise of the dentist,
- Quality of materials used in teeth whitening,
- The degree of teeth whitening to be performed,
- Re-requirement of the teeth whitening procedure,
- Other applications that may be necessary before teeth whitening,
- The chosen technique for teeth whitening.
According to these factors listed above, the price of teeth whitening may vary from clinic to clinic. In our clinic, you can get the most affordable teeth whitening price and the highest quality service in a safe and peace of mind. For more detailed information about teeth whitening prices, please contact our clinic.
What is the Best Teeth Whitening Technique for Me?
The best teeth whitening (bleaching) technique for you with teeth whitening Antalya is decided after the first examination by the dentist, taking into account your expectations from the teeth whitening (bleaching) procedure.. But in general, if your teeth are close to white and you want to lighten them by a few degrees, home bleaching will be sufficient. However, the most effective teeth whitening (bleaching) method, combined teeth whitening (bleaching) technique will be the most suitable application for extremely coloured and stained teeth after intensive tea, coffee and smoking.