Patients who are not aesthetically satisfied with their teeth often resort to dental veneers. The porcelain veneer method is one of the most preferred crown types in recent years. With this method, a healthy and aesthetic smile is obtained.
What are Porcelain Veneers?
Porcelain teeth veneers have a very similar structure to natural teeth and offer an aesthetically superior appearance. Porcelain teeth veneers in Antalya, Turkey, which are popular in dental clinics, are an effective treatment method preferred to improve the aesthetic and functional condition of teeth damaged for any reason. These applications offer patients a reliable solution to preserve natural dental aesthetics.
Porcelain teeth veneers in Antalya can be applied to a single tooth or to more than one tooth. The types of porcelain veneers designed individually in our clinic are as follows:
a. Porcelain Veneers with Metal Infrastructure:
In this type of porcelain veneer, an infrastructure is prepared using various metals to support the coating before the coating is made. It is frequently used due to its robust structure. If the correct technique is used, it can also meet aesthetic expectations.
b. Full Ceramic Empress Emax Veneers:
Produced from a special ceramic, this type of veneer is mostly preferred by patients with high natural and aesthetic expectations. It does not contain metal and has a very strong structure. It is made to eliminate these problems of patients with broken teeth, crooked teeth, or other problems, but it is not applied to every part of the jaw. It is mostly applied to the front teeth because it has a very natural appearance.
c. Porcelain Veneers with Zirconium Substructure:
Zirconium-based dental veneers provide a natural and aesthetic appearance because zirconium does not contain metal and has a transparent structure. It is a very robust material. It is very compatible with other teeth due to its structure. Although it is mostly used on the front teeth, it can also be used in other areas due to its durability. It is an application mostly preferred to improve aesthetic appearance and smile design.
d. Porcelain Laminated Veneers:
It is a procedure that can be performed in a few sessions of 15-20 minutes. It is a type of crown applied on natural teeth with very little abrasion. There is no need to do too much abrasion when making this type of coating. It is the type of crown in which the natural tooth is the least abraded among other types. It is an easy process and does not require detail. It can be applied to all teeth. It has a very resistant structure against color change.
What are the Advantages of Porcelain Veneers?
Gives an aesthetic appearance in a short time
- It is a sturdy material and provides long-term use
- The treatment phase is faster than other veneers.
- Since there is very little abrasion on the natural tooth, the tooth structure is not damaged.
- It is a treatment that meets aesthetic expectations.
- Its cost is low.
- Since its surface is smooth, it is both easy to clean and resistant to stain formation.
- Problems such as dislocation, falling and breakage are mostly not seen.
Who Can Get Porcelain Teeth?
- Porcelain teeth are made for people whose teeth are broken, worn, or have an unaesthetic appearance due to decay for any reason,
- People with non-advanced crooked teeth,
- Patients whose decayed tooth cannot be completed with filling,
- For people with stained and stained teeth,
- For patients who are not satisfied with their tooth structure and appearance,
- For people who want to have an aesthetic smile.
At What Age Can Porcelain Veneers Be Applied?
It is sufficient to have completed bone formation for porcelain tooth application. Porcelain veneers can be applied to all individuals who have completed bone formation.
Bone development is usually completed around 18-19, if age is to be taken as a basis, it can be approximately 18.
There is no upper age limit for this procedure to be applied. There is no obstacle to applying it to patients at very advanced ages.
What Should Be Considered Before Porcelain Veneers?
You should choose your doctor well before your porcelain veneers are made. It is very important to use the right technique in porcelain veneers. Therefore, you should make sure that your doctor is experienced.
Another point to be considered is that the clinic where the procedure will be performed as a hygienic environment equipped with staff and modern technology.
We, the Acar Dent family, will be pleased to serve you with our physician staff and our well-equipped clinic. We are waiting for you in our clinic. Contact us!
How Are Porcelain Dental Veneers Made?
- First stage: This stage starts with the examination of the patient and the patient expresses his/her complaints and expectations. The doctor and the patient must understand each other. After the dentist determines the teeth to be veneered, the stage of abrasion of the teeth is started.
- Second Stage: In the second stage, the teeth to be treated are abraded with a very small thickness. Then, veneer impressions are taken and porcelain veneers suitable for the patient's teeth are prepared in the computer environment. It takes approximately 10 days to prepare the veneers. During this time, temporary veneers are placed to prevent damage to the abraded teeth and prevent the patient from becoming toothless. After the permanent veneers are prepared, the third stage begins.
- Third Stage: At this stage, porcelain veneers are placed on the eroded teeth. It is checked for any protrusion or excess. The excess parts are corrected appropriately and the veneers are fixed to the teeth using special adhesives. After fixing, your doctor will check the final condition of your teeth by making you make biting movements.
- Stage Four: At this stage, your veneers are now fixed to your teeth and your treatment is over. Your doctor will show you the final state of your teeth with the help of a mirror and ask you to check them. If you do not have any problems, your treatment will be finalized.
How Long Do Porcelain Veneers Take?
It takes approximately two weeks to prepare the veneers after the measurements are taken. At the end of two weeks, your porcelain veneers will be finished and the placement phase will begin. Depending on the situation, the preparation of the veneers may take one week or less. The faster your veneers are prepared, the faster your procedure will be done.
How Many Sessions Do Porcelain Dental Veneers Take?
Under normal conditions, porcelain veneers are completed in 3 sessions. However, the duration of the session may vary depending on the condition of the person and the veneers.
What Should Be Considered After Porcelain Veneers?
While your veneers are placed, your doctor may apply local anesthesia to move comfortably. After your procedure is completed, you should stop eating and drinking until the effect of anesthesia wears off. Especially hot drinks may damage your mouth as they will not be felt if the anesthesia has not worn off.
It is normal to experience pain and soreness for a while after veneering. If it does not go away for a long time, contact your doctor.
You should avoid sticky and hard foods until your veneers have set. Although veneers are strong materials, excessively hard foods will damage porcelain veneers just as they damage natural teeth. Therefore, it is useful to consume hard foods in a controlled manner in the long term.
After the porcelain veneers, you should apply the brushing process that you should apply to your natural teeth at least twice a day to your veneers. Flossing will also contribute to your oral hygiene.
Porcelain teeth veneers in Antalya, in addition to the above, your dentist's recommendations should be strictly followed and regular dental check-ups should be carried out in order to maintain color stability and increase durability.
The adhesive residue used to bond your veneers may come into your mouth while brushing your teeth. This is a normal situation. Over time, the residue will be gone and this problem will disappear.
At first, your veneers may feel foreign to you and you may feel like you have a foreign object in your mouth. Over time you will get used to your porcelain veneers. The sooner you accept it, the faster you will get used to it.
How Much Are Porcelain Veneers Prices?
Porcelain tooth prices are determined according to a base price application decided by the Turkish Dental Association. However, even though clinics are based on this base price, some factors may cause prices to change.
The factors that cause price changes include the experience of the doctor who will perform the procedure, the brand, and quality of the materials to be used in the veneers, the adequacy of the clinic in terms of technology and equipment, other treatments (such as tooth extraction, gum treatment, root canal treatment, scaling), the patient's wishes and how many teeth will be veneered.
In this case, you can have more or less turkey porcelain veneer price information by contacting our clinic, but in order to get a clear price, you need to come to our clinic and be examined by our dentists who are experts in their field. After the examination, our dentists will determine the treatments that should be applied to you and will give you clear information about porcelain teeth veneers Antalya Turkey costs.
Is Porcelain Veneers Good Choice?
Antalya porcelain teeth veneers are an option preferred by patients who come to our clinic because they can be prepared in a short time and offer an aesthetically successful appearance. These veneers are a very good treatment method that can be preferred in cases of unpleasant appearance, breakage, stains that cannot be removed, decay, and crooked teeth to a certain extent.
How Long Does a Porcelain Veneer Last?
The lifespan of porcelain veneers is determined by factors such as the person's diet, the type of veneer used, oral hygiene, and the placement of the veneers using the correct techniques. The lifespan of porcelain veneers varies according to their types.
- Metal-Supported Porcelain Veneers: Porcelain veneers will be long-lasting when applied by using the right methods and choosing an experienced physician. The lifespan of the veneers is also determined by oral hygiene as in natural teeth. If attention is paid to oral hygiene, porcelain veneers have a long lifespan.
- Zirconium Supported Veneers: Since zirconium veneers are produced from materials that are most similar to the structure of natural teeth, they can remain in the mouth for a long time in a solid way. Since they are compatible with the tooth structure, they do not cause an allergic reaction.
- Porcelain Lamina Veneers: The lifespan of this type of veneer, called leaf porcelain, varies depending on usage and oral care. It is a highly preferred method in terms of both aesthetics and longevity.
- Composite Laminates: The lifespan of composite laminates is shorter than the others. After 4-5 years, these veneers start to change color and start smell.
How Do You Make Porcelain Veneers Last Longer?
- Hygiene: Porcelain teeth should be brushed twice daily and flossing and using mouthwash will also help prolong the life of the veneers.
- Avoid Hard and Crusted Foods: You should avoid situations that will put pressure on your veneers. Excessive pressure can cause the veneers to come off, crack or break. For example, trying to break crusted foods with your teeth can cause your natural teeth to break, as well as your porcelain. Paying attention to this issue will make your veneers last longer.
- Do not clench and grind: Tooth clenching or grinding is also a condition that damages the teeth. Finding out why these situations are caused and being treated will also contribute to the more comfortable use and long life of your porcelain veneers.
- Do not skip your check-ups: It is necessary to go to the doctor's controls regularly. With regular checks, any complications that may occur are recognized early and early intervention will ensure that porcelain veneers last longer.
Porcelain veneers in Antalya for patients undergoing, following your specialist doctor's recommendations exactly and maintaining regular check-ups is an effective way to increase the lifespan of porcelain veneers.
Does Dental Insurance Cover Veneers?
Applications within the scope of aesthetics in state institutions are generally not covered by SSI, but recently zirconium veneers have been included in the scope of SSI.
How Many Days Does Porcelain Veneer Take?
The porcelain veneer process varies depending on the patient's oral health. Porcelain dental veneers, which can be made in about a week under normal conditions, are made after these problems are solved if the patient has problems with the gums and teeth.
This treatment process also extends the duration of the porcelain tooth coating process. Treatment that can be completed in one week extends to two weeks. In some cases, this process may be longer or shorter depending on the preparation time of the veneers. It is a procedure that can be completed in maximum of 3 weeks.
Do Porcelain Veneers Turn Yellow?
Due to the material used in porcelain dental veneers, teeth do not usually turn yellow. Natural teeth have a permeable structure and discoloration is inevitable if not cleaned regularly, but since the outer surfaces of porcelain materials have a polished structure, it does not cause stain formation.
However, plaque may form on the polished structure if it is not cleaned regularly, even in the long term. Plaque formation can also cause discoloration. Therefore, even though the veneers are stain-resistant, they should be cleaned regularly.
Will Porcelain Dental Veneers Break?
Porcelain teeth are produced from materials found in nature to be robust. It is very difficult to break under normal conditions. However, although they are robust, it would not be correct to say that they are unbreakable.
Even natural teeth can break when hard foods are consumed or when exposed to any external impact. Although porcelain teeth are also made of strong materials, they can break in such situations, just like natural teeth. Trying to break crusted food with your teeth can cause your veneers to break. Similarly, clenching and grinding your teeth can also cause damage to porcelain teeth.
Does Porcelain Tooth Decay?
No, porcelain teeth do not decay due to their structure, but the natural teeth to which the veneers are glued can decay if the necessary care is not taken.
The decay of porcelain teeth usually occurs with the decay of the chipped natural tooth underneath. The most important point to know here is that porcelain veneers do not cause tooth decay, on the contrary, they delay decay.
In Porcelain teeth veneer as long as plaque formation on the teeth and food residues between the teeth are prevented, the retaining teeth under the porcelain teeth will not decay. In this regard, oral hygiene is one of the issues that should be constantly taken into consideration.
Is Porcelain Tooth Painful?
No, since local anesthesia will be applied pain and pain are usually not felt during the procedure, but it is normal to feel a little pain and pain after the effect of anesthesia wears off. This process can be overcome with mild painkillers recommended by your doctor.
Porcelain dental veneers usually do not cause pain and pain, but if there is decay in the natural teeth under the veneers, pain may be observed in these cases. If the veneers are made by applying the correct technique and paying attention to hygiene, decay will not be seen and pain or ache will not be experienced.
Is it Healthy to Have Porcelain Teeth?
No, porcelain teeth there is no known serious harm yet.
On the contrary, it can be said that it is healthy in terms of eliminating many problems for the patient such as chewing, aesthetics, and crowding.
Is There Pain After Porcelain Tooth Placement?
After the porcelain tooth is placed, pain may occur if it presses on the gums or natural teeth under the veneers. This situation may be related to the placement of the veneer by the physician.
Can Porcelain Dental Veneers Be Brushed?
Porcelain teeth should be brushed in the same way as natural teeth are brushed. Brushing will contribute to the life of porcelain.
Will Porcelain Veneers Fall?
Porcelain veneers are likely to fall off when excessively hard and crusty foods or gum-sticky foods are consumed. Do not try to break crusted foods with your teeth or consume extremely hard foods in a controlled manner.
How to Remove Porcelain Veneers?
Porcelain dental veneers cannot be removed by the person himself/herself. Since trying to remove these veneers will damage the porcelain teeth, you should get help from a dentist when you want them removed. It can only be removed by a dentist.
Which is better porcelain or zirconia?
Zirconium veneers and porcelain veneers differ in their material composition and characteristics.
- Zirconia veneers are crafted from zirconium oxide, a durable and strong ceramic, making them resistant to chipping and fractures.
- Zirconia crowns are made of zirconium oxide, a durable and strong ceramic.
- This makes them resistant to chipping and breaking. They are particularly suitable for people looking for highly durable restorations.
- Porcelain veneers, on the other hand, are made from traditional dental porcelain and are known for their realistic translucency, making them an excellent choice for achieving natural aesthetics.
While zirconia veneers stand out in terms of durability, porcelain veneers are preferred for their aesthetic appeal.