First night after tooth extraction
The first night after a tooth extraction can be a scary experience, but it is also a very important time since it is when the healing process begins. How you pay attention to your oral and dental health and hygiene during these first hours can have a positive or negative impact on this process.
Whether it is a routine extraction or a wisdom tooth that is extracted due to necessity, it is important to follow the care instructions given by your doctor after the extraction. In this context, we will inform you about the recommendations for the first night after the tooth extraction, what to do and what not to do, foods to avoid from the first hours and what to do for a comfortable sleep.
What should you do the first night after tooth extraction?
It is very important not to disturb the blood clot, wound and existing stitches for a few days after tooth extraction during the healing process. At this point, there are some precautions to be followed to accelerate healing and prevent pain:
How to sleep first night after tooth extraction?
Try to sleep with your head elevated in the first hours and the following day after tooth extraction because it accelerates blood circulation in the tooth extraction area and provides relief.
Bleeding after tooth extraction
It is normal to have some bleeding, especially in the form of red saliva, in the first hours immediately after tooth extraction. Bleeding should decrease as clotting occurs in the tooth area.
Use the gauze and bite it to stop the bleeding. At this point, the question "how long should the gauze be left on after tooth extraction" may come to mind. You should bite this gauze for at least 30 minutes. Depending on the situation, you can replace the gauze. You can remove the gauze after the bleeding stops. Allow the clot to form in the extraction area, thus accelerating and supporting healing.
First night after tooth extraction pain and swelling
There will probably be some pain and swelling immediately after tooth extraction, but this is normal. If the pain is severe, use the painkillers prescribed by your doctor. You can also apply ice packs to the swelling area at short intervals.
However, if the pain becomes uncontrollable, see your doctor immediately. If an antibiotic is prescribed, be sure to take it according to the instructions.
In the first hours and for the next few days, you can only brush areas other than the extraction area.
Things to avoid after tooth extraction
- After tooth extraction, stay away from very hot and cold drinks.
- Do not smoke or drink alcohol for at least 2-3 days, as this can increase the risk of infection in the extraction area.
- Avoid consuming hard and chewy foods, especially for the first 3 days until your jaw is numb.
- Never take any painkillers without consulting your dentist.
- Do not brush or floss the extraction area in the first hours and for the next few days.
- Avoid gargling in the first hours.
- Do not poke the extraction area with your tongue or a hard object such as a toothpick, as this delays clotting in the extraction area and increases the discomfort called dry socket.
- Avoid using a pipette.
- Avoid touching the area where the stitches are placed with your tongue and hand, as the stitches will dissolve spontaneously in your mouth.
- Try not to do strenuous exercises
First night after tooth extraction what to eat
After a tooth extraction, it is very important to eat soft, easy-to-chew foods that will not damage the extraction site. Here are some suggestions:
Foods to eat:
- Soups: Should not be hot and spicy, such as tomato or zucchini soup, creamy soups.
- Soft foods: Cereals such as mashed potatoes, oatmeal, cooked cereal products
- Smoothie (should be drunk without a straw): These types of foods that are turned into liquid are easy to consume without chewing.
- Yoghurt: It is a good option because it is soft and soothing.
- Cooked vegetables: Boiled vegetables such as peas, beans and carrots.
- Scrambled eggs: It is very suitable to consume because it is high in potassium and soft.
Foods to avoid:
- Extremely hot and cold foods should be avoided for the first few days.
- Crispy foods
- Acidic drinks and foods
- Spicy and hard foods
- Extremely hot and cold drinks and foods
- Sticky and chewy foods
- Alcoholic drinks
Avoid chewing foods for the first 3 days.
As the numbness in your jaw subsides and the urge to chew returns, you can chew with the other side of your mouth, but avoid putting pressure on the extraction site. After one or two weeks, depending on the healing of the extraction site, you can start chewing lightly with that side.
Yes, you can drink lukewarm or cold tea without using a straw, after making sure it is lukewarm or cold.
It is generally necessary to avoid extremely hot and cold beverages, including tea, for the first 24-48 hours after tooth extraction.
- Throbbing pain
- Eye pain
- Sinus pain
- Ear pain or blocked ear
- Throat and jaw pain
- Nausea
- Dry socket (partial or complete loss of blood clot)
- Foul-smelling breath
- Rinse your mouth with salt water for at least one day after tooth extraction.
- Try to consume liquid foods, and stay away from hard and chewy foods.
- Avoid extremely hot and cold foods and drinks.
- Support your head with a pillow and keep it elevated while lying down.
- If there is swelling in the extraction area, compresses can be applied.
Avoid chewing foods for the first 3 days.
As the numbness in your jaw subsides and the urge to chew returns, you can chew with the other side of your mouth, but avoid putting pressure on the extraction site. After one or two weeks, depending on the healing of the extraction site, you can start chewing lightly with that side.
Yes, you can drink lukewarm or cold tea without using a straw, after making sure it is lukewarm or cold.
It is generally necessary to avoid extremely hot and cold beverages, including tea, for the first 24-48 hours after tooth extraction.
- Throbbing pain
- Eye pain
- Sinus pain
- Ear pain or blocked ear
- Throat and jaw pain
- Nausea
- Dry socket (partial or complete loss of blood clot)
- Foul-smelling breath
- Rinse your mouth with salt water for at least one day after tooth extraction.
- Try to consume liquid foods, and stay away from hard and chewy foods.
- Avoid extremely hot and cold foods and drinks.
- Support your head with a pillow and keep it elevated while lying down.
- If there is swelling in the extraction area, compresses can be applied.